Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I'm the Big Sis

Today was the first day Olivia got to see her new baby brother, Zachary Isaac. We decided to take Olivia with us to see the Ultra Sound, and overall she did "okay". She was singing in the waiting room, looking at magazines, and giving all of the nurses the prettiest smile she could find.....but...she was not happy when Mommy had to lay on the exam table and have some weird woman touch her stomach!

Olivia did not like me getting the Ultra Sound! She wiggled in Josh's arms until we were finished and then clung onto me for dear life. I think that she just wasn't sure what to think about it all. We tried to assure her that the nice lady wasn't hurting Mommy, but knew that this wasn't normal.

Josh, of course, did a great job of keeping her occupied while never taking his eyes off of the images of his son. He's a trooper!!!

So, now we know that Olivia may not do so great at the hospital when I'm all hooked up to tubes and monitors...but at least we'll have family there who can keep her mind on other things.

BTW, Olivia got her first time out today...or at least the first time out that we're aware of. Ms. Lori had to put her in timeouts because she's been hitting. I'm not sure where my child had learned this, but she's been flapper her hands at my face for over a week. I have no idea how to teach her that hitting isn't nice! Now all evening I've been racking my brain on how to teach her right from wrong.

So it begins...the wonderful years of toddlerdom. God, please help us raise her right!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha! oh, joe went thru that stage at her age. 2 and half is where i thought joe got the hardest..and now this potty training thing is just throwin' me for a loop! i bet Livi was just adorbale looking at her mags and smiling at those nurses! i bet they wanted to just eat her up!

7:14 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Yay for a new post! Why are all the words underlined? Again I tell you...we want pics of you!

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My precious baby in time out?!?!?! I can't imagine Livi doing anything to deserve that...maybe it is because we laugh when she does it??? Do we need time outs?? If she just were so darned cute!!!!!

3:32 AM  
Blogger Noah's mommy said...

You and Josh will do a wonderful job at raising your children. She is just going through the wonderful days of toddlerhood!

4:47 AM  
Blogger Christie Ingram said...

Yes, Welcome to these wonderful days of toddlerhood! I think girls are worse about the hitting and I have two going through it right now! My Olivia is very bad with the hitting and spitting when she gets mad. No idea where she learned it. I guess it goes with the age. It is so hard to know what to do! Maybe we can swap ideas : )

5:06 AM  
Blogger Tara said...

so sweet that she was so concerned about you. Keep posting on the toddler stages.. I will need all the help I can get.

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of Laughs....I can't believe how big she's getting! Let the fun times begin. I've always wanted to just pop out kids at this age because they are so innocent and yet very aware of what's going on around them. I absolutely love it. You and Josh are wonderful parents and I'm sure ya'll will do a great job raising her and little Zachary.

6:26 AM  

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