Day Two: Taking in the Arts
Below you see Olivia enjoying a snack and pondering the existence of Barney as she looks deep into the meaning behind this masterpiece. I know exactly what's she's thinking..."Give me a paintbrush, Mommy...I'm ready to do this now....We'll be RICH!!!!
In all seriousness, this museam was amazing, but it was way too much for Livi! She was too curious about everything and wanted to touch anything that she could get her hands on. Here, she's found a window overlooking part of the city block. Yes, we did let her touch the window...but that was it.
Next we headed down town to see the sights, and Olivia decided that she needed a nap. Tuckered out from all of that art! Man, she doesn't realize how lucky she is...I wish I had someone to push me around the city!!!
And Finally!!!
I was as excited about Macy's as Olivia was about going down the slide the day before. I left Josh across the street and hit that department store like a true woman should! It says the largest department store in the world...and it is. They have 7 restaurants inside, small boutiques that aren't even part of Macy's, and it was every shopper's dream! I found the maternity boutique and purchased some SPANX. Ladies, if you don't know what I'm talking about, ask Oprah!!!
By the time we left, it was dark outside. We headed for the Empire State Building. Of course, we passed several children's boutiques and stopped in to pick up a few things for Olivia. They were having amazing sales, and I got Olivia two new outfits for next winter for $13!!! Amazing! But alas, we reached our destination!
We really did pick a fabulous time of year to go. There were no crowds at any of the tourist attractions. When we arrived at the Empire State Building, there were ropes set up to guide you to the "line" where you buy tickets....but fortunately for us, there was no line. Just row after row of empty aisles! We got a personal escort through security, they must have know how important we were...(or maybe it was because we had the stroller.) Once we arrived at the top - Breathtaking!!
Oh, y'all, really. It was absolutely amazing up there! This was one of the best parts of our trip. I'm in love with the city at night. It's just so different at night. And from up here, it really changes how you see everything. This is a view that everyone should see at least once!
And Olivia agrees! She loved looking down at all of the lights. On the observation deck, they had markers that helped you identify different land marks. And suprisingly, it was possible to see things even at night! The only thing that I couldn't pin point was the place where the Twin Towers once stood. Again - if you go to NYC, make it a point to take this trip to the top at night!
On the train again! We hit the subway and headed "home". By the way, the subway isn't ask scarry as I thought it would be. I protested like crazy the first day and wanted nothing to do with this type of travel...but Josh convinced me that we could navigate through the city..with the help of the friendly security officers! Olivia liked the subway too. She made lots of friends here!