Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Practice Makes Perfect

Well, with only two weeks left before Zach gets here, the Preston family decided it was time to get some practice in. We babysat DJ (AKA: Baby Derric) tonight while Jenn and her family took her brother-in-law out to dinner for his birthday. It' s our first time watching DJ, so we were pumped to have a boy in the house AND to get the practice before Zach gets here.

Uncle Josh takes a break from all of the excitment to have some "boy" time with DJ. Josh on the phone and DJ with a doll!!! Two men doing things that we don't see men do that often!!!

Dinner was interesting. Olivia sat in her chair and ate until it was time for DJ to eat. Once I brought out his food, she wanted nothing to do with her dinner. She was all about helping Mommy feed the baby....and when the baby was all finished...she had to taste some for herself.
I knew that there would be some regretion with the introduction of a new baby!!!

And finally, DJ and I were content reading the Pooh book, but Olivia had to turn it into a big play fest!!! She was climbing all over me, hugging DJ, he was laughing his head off, and I was doing my best to hold on to both of them. This brings back memories of when Kristina was little and Jenn always said, "I am not a jungle-gym!" Yes, actually, I think that all moms are jungle-gyms.

Thanks for letting us keep DJ, Jenn. We had a blast, and he LOVED Olivia!!! They were best friends from the get-go! Maybe we can do it again before Zach gets here!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great photos. Beth is looks like you were taking a beating with those two. After that Zach make never come out!!! ;)

6:55 PM  
Blogger Tara said...

Those are wonderful pictures. Glad you got some practice in. Can't wait for Zach to arrive!

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DJ is getting so BIG! Looks like Livi had a great time with baby practice. She is going to be a great BIG sis, I know it!

4:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, that last picture is a classic! haha! i love it.
get ready, girl! it's almost time! :)

6:25 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Jungle Gym: that is one of my many occupations as a SAHM ; )

11:14 AM  
Blogger Noah's mommy said...

Looks like fun! You guys will be great, and Olivia will be a great big sister! We can't wait until Zach gets here!

6:25 AM  

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