Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I'm the Big Sis

Today was the first day Olivia got to see her new baby brother, Zachary Isaac. We decided to take Olivia with us to see the Ultra Sound, and overall she did "okay". She was singing in the waiting room, looking at magazines, and giving all of the nurses the prettiest smile she could find.....but...she was not happy when Mommy had to lay on the exam table and have some weird woman touch her stomach!

Olivia did not like me getting the Ultra Sound! She wiggled in Josh's arms until we were finished and then clung onto me for dear life. I think that she just wasn't sure what to think about it all. We tried to assure her that the nice lady wasn't hurting Mommy, but knew that this wasn't normal.

Josh, of course, did a great job of keeping her occupied while never taking his eyes off of the images of his son. He's a trooper!!!

So, now we know that Olivia may not do so great at the hospital when I'm all hooked up to tubes and monitors...but at least we'll have family there who can keep her mind on other things.

BTW, Olivia got her first time out today...or at least the first time out that we're aware of. Ms. Lori had to put her in timeouts because she's been hitting. I'm not sure where my child had learned this, but she's been flapper her hands at my face for over a week. I have no idea how to teach her that hitting isn't nice! Now all evening I've been racking my brain on how to teach her right from wrong.

So it begins...the wonderful years of toddlerdom. God, please help us raise her right!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Fun with Friends

Last night Olivia and I went to visit Angela, one of our friends, and her family. She has a new baby girl, Alexandria. We call her Alex for short and she's just darling!! I've forgotten what it's like to hold one that small. Angela also has a 16 month old son, Luke, and a 5 year old son, Kade. And today is Kade's birthday!!

Happy Birthday Kade!!!!

We are trying desperately to get Angela onto the blogging bus, but she may have her hands full right now!! Anyway, we all got together last night for some girl time and to let the kids play, and my daughter showed a new side to her personality.

First, it didn't take her any time to warm up. Kade said, "Come on Olivia." and off she went. The action started about half way through the evening when Olivia and Luke started playing together. Luke has a Mickey Airplane (Olivia has the same one at home b/c we loved Luke's) and a push lawn mower. Well, Olivia thought that both were hers. Every time Luke starting playing with one, Olivia would go take it from him! You can see here, she's given up on pulling it away from him, and decides to hop aboard to claim her position with Mickey!

This went on for quite a while. Thank God Luke is like his mother and totally layed back! He just let Olivia take it and would go for another...but she stayed right on his heels. We were all laughing hysterically!! Finally, they found a way to play together!!

We all had so much fun, but I had a lot to talk to Olivia about on they way home! She needs a lesson in sharing, I do believe!!! Anyway, it's fun watching the kids' personalities come out.

Thanks for having us over Angela! Hope to do it again soon!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Making Her Blogging Debut....

It's Mel Mel!!!

Most of you have seen pictures or read about Mel Mel in Olivia's blog. Melanie is my first cousin and my oldest friend. We've really grown up together; and Mel has been there for me at every major milestone of my life. She's a loyal fan of Life with Livi and Pea in the Pod, and now she's created her own page!!!

I have to brag on her for a minute (sorry Melanie, you can kill me later.) She is a super person and has a heart of gold. First of all, she's Olivia's second mother. She's one of the only people that Olivia doens't have to "warm up" to. She's always there when we need her, and we always have a lot of fun together!

But there is something even more special about Melanie. She gives of herself like no one else I know. She's been through the "ringer" so to say, and she's never lost her faith in her friends, her family, and most importantly her Father! And now, she's embarking on a new chapter in her life. Melanie is in the final stages of becoming a Foster Parent. It's been a long process, but she's done it with a patient and loving heart. Hopefully her final homestudy will be today! Next step, opening her home to children who need her love, affection, and demonstration of faith.

We can't wait for Melanie to become a foster parent!!! It may mean taking two cars on the weekend, but it'll be another member added to the family!

Melanie's blog is the start of her adventures in parenthood...and watch it Mel....don't show me up by blogging every day! You can't make me look bad on the job! So check her out in my links to the right. Mel's Haven is the name!

Welcome to the world of Blogging Mel Mel!!!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy Birthday Hailee & Dakota

For the past four years, celebrating New Years has been a second priority to celebrating the birth of my niece and nephew. Hailee & Dakota's birthday is December 31st, and each year the party gets better and better. This year their mom was a brave woman. She rolled out the art paper and we had a


Olivia and Hailee, the birthday girl, deciding which color to dip into first. Aren't the shirts too cute. Olivia's says, "I Survived Dakota & Hailee's 4th Birthday Party." Hailee's says "Birthday Girl." Great idea, Steph!!!

Olivia finally dips in and doesn't know what to think of this green glitter goop!! Don't worry, Mommy will show her!!!!

As you can see, I got a little decoration myself. Aunt Steph decided to adorn me with stripes after I put just a tiny bit of paint on her face. It looks like someone gave Dakota a high five on his stomach!

Who ever heard of painting with balloons? Well, Aunt Steph had, and she didn't waste any time showing her new skill to Olivia. Olivia loves balloons, and now she loves paint....This is when I knew that I was in for a long, messy afternoon!!!

How cute are these girls. They are having a blast and we haven't even had cake or opened presents yet.

Since Daddy was the official camera man, I came prepared to get dirty!! Olivia and I had so much fun! This party was a great idea...and not many moms would be ready and willing to have a group of 1-4 year olds finger paint in their garage. You're Super Mom, Steph!!!

Finally, a break. Olivia stops long enough for a juice box!

And some cheese balls!

After all the paint was dry and presents opened, we stripped Olivia of her painter's outfit. Here are her and Pop playing in the streamers!! Man, this has been the funnest birthday party and best New Year's Eve of her life!!!!

Happy Birthday again, Hailee & Dakota.

We Love You!!!!!